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Nematodes – Lawn Guardian

REQUIRED : Delivery week
Order before Wednesday 15:00h, EST time, for next week delivery.
10 millions - Sf/Sc/HBSponge Qty CA$ 62.00
50 millions - Sf/Sc/HBSponge Qty CA$ 198.00
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Product description


Distributed in their juvenile stage as infectious larvae, Lawn Guardian entomopathogenic nematodes are small, measuring just 0.4 to 1.5 mm in length – they can be observed with a 20X magnifying glass. Once in the soil, they enter the insect pest naturally through openings like the mouth, respiratory orifices, and anus. The nematodes feed on the pest’s tissues, releasing symbiotic bacteria present in their intestines that eliminate the host within 24 to 48 hours. This makes entomopathogenic nematodes an effective aid in controlling insect pests.

Targeted crops

  • Lawn

Targeted pests

  • Rose chafer (Macrodactylus subspinobus)
  • Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica)
  • June beetle (Phyllophaga sp.)

Application Instructions

For optimal effectiveness, it is recommended to apply entomopathogenic nematodes in either autumn or spring when the larvae are most vulnerable. In spring, specifically during May/June when the soil temperature reaches 10°C (50°F) or higher and the larvae are present in the soil, a single application can prevent them from damaging roots. In the fall, from late August to September, it is advised to remove the larvae to avoid damage during the following spring, and then apply the nematodes. The grass should be between 1 to 2 inches in length, which will facilitate the nematodes’ washing into the soil from the grass blades. Additionally, it is recommended to keep the lawn wet for 3 to 4 days after the application to allow the nematodes to locate the grubs and start controlling the pest.

Storage Instructions

Our product (sponge) is packed with an ice pack to ensure it arrives alive and fresh. Please refrigerate it as soon as possible to maintain its quality. You can refrigerate it for up to three weeks.