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Nematodes – Guardian for Gardens

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Product description


Entomopathogenic nematodes – Guardians of Gardens – are distributed in the juvenile stage (infectious larvae). There are 0,4 to 1,5 mm long and can be observed with a 20 X magnifying glass. Once in the soil, they penetrate in the insect pest by its natural openings (mouth, respiratory orifices and anus). The Nematodes feed on the tissues and release symbiotic bacteria that are present in their intestines. These bacteria kill the host after 24 to 48 hours. Apply them in autumn or in spring when larvae are more vulnerable.

Targeted crops

  • Market garden crops
    • Cucumbers
    • Tomatoes
    • Peppers,
    • Lettuce, etc.
  • Ornamental plants
  • Small fruits
  • Lawns

Targeted pests

  • Rose chafer (Macrodactylus subspinobus)
  • Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica)
  • June beetle (Phyllophaga sp.)
  • Black Vine Weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus)
  • Birch leafminer (Fenusa pusilla)
  • Cranefly

Application Instructions

  • Open Guardian for Gardens beneficial nematode package, remove sponge and place in 1L (.26 gal) of cool water then wring out the sponge 5 to 10 times. Also rinse plastic bag to release any remaining nematodes, then remove bag (please recycle). This will make a nematode concentrate.
  • Apply nematode concentrate with an additional 20L (5.28gal) of water to your treatment area of 46m2 (500ft2). Nematodes can be applied with Hose End Sprayer, watering can or backpack sprayer.
  • Hose End Sprayer = 80L (20gal) finished product, for other sprayers, set sprayer to allow the most water to be applied. Fill bottle of Hose End Sprayer with nematode concentrate and water your treatment area. Prior to refilling the Hose End Sprayer bottle stir the nematode concentrate vigorously as the nematodes will settle to the bottom of the concentrate container.
  • Use all Guardian for Gardens within a 2 hour period. Note: Application of Nematodes should take approximately 45 minutes to apply using our hose end sprayer.

Storage Instructions

  • Keep Store Guardian for Gardens in a refrigerator at a temperature between 5-7oC (41-45oF) for up to 8 weeks, avoiding freezing. Before applying Guardian for Gardens, make sure to properly water the treatment area.
  • The soil should be moist at the level of the pests before applying Guardian for Gardens.
  • After applying Guardian for Gardens, lightly water the area daily for 3 to 4 days. This helps nematodes utilize the water channels to locate their prey.
  • Avoid applying Guardian for Gardens in bright sunlight. Optimal application times are on cloudy days or late in the afternoon.
  • Do not mix Guardian for Gardens with fertilizers or pesticides. However, you can apply fertilizer before or after applying Guardian for Gardens.