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Orius insidiosus

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Product description


Orius insidiosus is a species of predatory insect commonly known as the “minute pirate bug.” This generalist predator feeds on several small insects such as mites and aphids, but it has a strong preference for thrips.

It is native to the Americas, but has been introduced to other parts of the world as a biocontrol agent for pest insects. These bugs are often used in agriculture to control pest populations, as they are effective at eliminating many common pests. They are generally considered beneficial insects, as they do not harm plants or animals other than their intended prey.

Targeted crops

  • Ornamental crops
  • Cucumbers
  • Peppers
  • Herbs and spices
  • Crops under shelters
  • Small fruits:
    • Strawberries
    • Grapes, etc.
  • Indoor plants
  • Cannabis

Targeted pests

  • Thrips
  • Whiteflies
  • Aphids
  • Other soft-bodied insects

Application Instructions

Orius insidiosus is mainly used in indoor and outdoor vegetable and ornamental crops. Adults feed on pollen and can be applied preventively in flowering plants such as peppers and cucumbers. It is also possible to introduce banker plants, such as the ornamental pepper or alyssum, to help them establish more quickly and increase their populations. 

The success thrives on maintaining just the right temperature of 25°C to help our plants reach their full potential.

Storage Instructions

  • Use insects upon receipt. Martality of less than 10% is normal.
  • Open the container. Sprinkle Orius on infested plants. Orius needs pollen and preys to establish itself.
  • Repeat treatment for 2 weeks or more depending on the degree of infestation.Warning!
    • Use Orius from March to October.
    • Can be used in combination with predatory mites and banker plants.