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Aphidius matricariae

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Technical sheet


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Product description


Aphidius matricariae is a unique species of parasitoid wasp crucial to the control and management of more than 40 types of destructive aphids, including Canabis Phorodon. This black-colored insect, characterized by its dark legs and long antennae, engages in an intricate life cycle; after mating takes place, eggs are placed inside hosts which may be adults or juveniles. The larvae subsequently feed on internal organs of their host before it turns into a characteristic ‘beige’ called the mummie state. Roughly 7 days later, new adult emerges and then start again another life cycle. To reduce insect pest damage by up to 80%, an early season introduction of Aphidius matricariae and the Predatory midge, Aphidoletes aphidimyza – in combination with a banker plant integrated in a management program can be incredibly impactful.

Targeted crops

  • Cannabis
  • Vegetable crops
  • Ornamental crops

Targeted pests

  • Green peach aphid (Myzus persicae)
  • Cannabis aphid (Phorodon cannabis)

Application Instructions

Release rate of 1-2 wasps per square meter may be appropriate for preventative control, while higher release rates of up to 5-10 wasps per square meter may be needed for established infestations. The releases should be timed to coincide with the presence of the aphid host, and should be repeated over several weeks to ensure that enough wasps are present to control the aphid population.

Storage Instructions

Upon receipt of product, ruse immediately or store in a refrigerated area 5 °C (40 °F)

Do not freeze.
Do not freeze.
Do not use if incorrectly stored.
Store for a maximum of 6 weeks.
Always check viability before making the root application (see section Before starting)