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Aphidius colemani

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Technical sheet


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Product description


Aphidius colemani is a game-changer for protecting your ornamental and greenhouse vegetable crops. This small but powerful parasitoid wasp can tackle the two most menacing garden pests Myzus persicae (green peach aphid) and Aphis gossypii (melon/cotton aphid). With its striking black body, yellow legs and long antennae, this mini hero is only 2mm in length.

After mating, the female devises an incredible strategy to lay her eggs inside juvenile or adult aphids. As a result of these transparasitic tactics, the larvae of Aphidius colemani will feed on the internal organs of their captive host until it becomes immobile, inflates and turns beige – a stage called mummy. After several days a new adult emerges from the cocoon of their former pest enemy and takes flight, ready to repeat its cycle of success again and again.
Aphidius colemani is an effective biocontrol agent and a great way to keep aphids at bay. Not only does it offer excellent protection against future infestation, but it also provides rapid control when used along with the introduction of Aphid Banker Plants. The parasitism achieved by Aphidius colemani is determined when at least 80% of the aphids have been taken care of. You can use it together with Aphidoletes aphidimyza or Adalia bipunctata for even better results!

Targeted crops

  • Ornamental crops
  • Vegetable crops
  • Fruit crops

Targeted pests

  • Green Peach Aphid (Myzus persicae)
  • Melon/CottonAphid (Aphis gossypii)

Application Instructions

To ensure effective prevention of aphids, it is recommended to introduce a reservoir plant or small quantities (0.25/m2) of this biological control agent prior to detectionof their colonies. Caution should be taken with yellow sticky traps as they can interfere with Aphidius colemani activity – use only 1 per 100 plants and place them away from where the agents are released.

Storage Instructions

For optimal performance, store Aphidius colemani in temperatures between 8-10°C (47-50°F) and keep it in a dark place. Don’t wait more than 1-2 days after receipt to display them.